By Robert F. Moran, PhD, FCCM, FIUPAC
Upon completion of this article, the reader will be able to:
- Describe what electrolytes are and the elements that constitute them.
- Differentiate which electrolytes make up the different homeostatic systems.
- Describe the advancements of measurement technology in enhanced blood gas analyzers and their limitations.
- Discuss clinical implications of electrolyte imbalances using the anion gap.

Robert F. Moran, PhD, FCCM, FIUPAC is the Principal Scientist at mviSciences, a consulting and educational services organization and President of AccuTest™ Proficiency Testing Services. Dr. Moran served multiple terms on the NCCLS (Now CLSI) Board of Directors and was an active participant or chairholder in several of their blood gas and electrolyte standards-writing teams. Also active in clinical chemistry internationally, he is an appointed Fellow of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (FIUPAC). He is a retired professor of chemistry and physics from Wentworth Institute of Technology but remains active in consulting work and writing.